Football Italia報導,羅達路馬天尼斯接受ESPN訪問時表示,他將會在夏天加盟國際米蘭: "國米?那會是我職業生涯的一大步。"他更進一步透露和國米的談判進度 "我們基本上已經和國米已經敲定了所有東西,現在只需要解決一些細節問題。 ”
(source: https://www.football-italia.net/118841/lautaro-confirms-inter-switch
引用“Inter? It’ll be a big step for me.”而羅達路馬天尼斯的經紀人更加向媒體表示,這位天才前鋒將會和國米簽訂違約金1.11億歐元的合約: “他的合同中將會有1.11億歐元的違約條款,他們會圍繞他建立球隊。這是國米高層告訴我們的原話,他們的教練想打雙箭頭陣容,而其中一個正選會是馬天尼斯“。
He added to Sportia: “Everything is finalised with Inter. Only details are missing.”
引用“He’ll have an €111m release clause with Inter, and they’ll build their team around him,” revealed the representative.
“That’s what the Inter executives told us. The Coach would like to play with two strikers, and one of them will be Lautaro.
引用“He’s signed a pre-contract with them and he’ll go to Milan in June.”目前國際米蘭未作出回應和聲明。
(source: https://www.football-italia.net/118841/lautaro-confirms-inter-switch
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