現年四十九歲的前巴西國腳卡富,在1994、1998及2002年連續參與了三屆世界盃決賽,其中在1994年及2002年都奪得冠軍。他也可以算是其中一位最強勁的後衛,曾經為巴西國家隊上陣過142場國際賽。他的大兒子丹尼路 Danilo Feliciano de Moraes 在星期四和朋友踢波時,於開賽十分鐘就感到不適,需要直接送到醫院。 最終由於心臟病發,即使他及時送到醫院、醫生也盡了最大努力,但丹尼路仍然未能活下來,他年僅三十歲。及後卡富的前隊友以及朋友保羅沙治奧確認了丹尼路的死訊。各方也有發出哀悼訊息給卡富以及其家人,其中包括以往卡富曾經效力的國內球隊聖保羅、以及他沒有效力過的球隊,例如巴西國內的彭美拉斯以及歐洲球隊皇家馬德里。
“Sao Paulo Futebol Clube deeply regrets the death of Danilo, son of Cafu.”
“The Palmeiras Sports Society mourns the death of Danilo, son of Cafu, and expresses condolences to the world champion and his family.”
“El Real Madrid C. F. expresses its deep regret at the passing of Danilo, the son of Brazilian football legend, the club wishes to convey its condolences to Cafu and his family and shares in his grief in these difficult moments.”
“Sao Paulo Futebol Clube deeply regrets the death of Danilo, son of Cafu.”
“The Palmeiras Sports Society mourns the death of Danilo, son of Cafu, and expresses condolences to the world champion and his family.”
“El Real Madrid C. F. expresses its deep regret at the passing of Danilo, the son of Brazilian football legend, the club wishes to convey its condolences to Cafu and his family and shares in his grief in these difficult moments.”
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