【喜鵲影片】紐卡素2020夏季轉會方略 —— 試論紐卡素陣容問題及轉會潛在目標探究
為此Tifo Football特意為紐卡素今個夏天轉會窗提出了些許建議,並製作了一條短片,以就紐卡素目前的賣盤處境、球隊問題及潛在收購目標及原因一一闡述。為方便討論,我特意按其內容打下原文及譯文,以供大家討論:
紐卡素仍然待價而沽。最近一次的收購計劃亦再一次宣告失敗,但縱使如此,市場上仍然有不少潛在買家,而且我們亦不能排除買家們最終或會以多方合作的形式來收購紐卡素。不過,直至目前這一刻起,艾殊利(Mike Ashley)仍然是紐卡素的舵手,並且可以決定任何轉會舉動;在轉會上,布魯士(Steve Bruce)仍然要盡一切努力來觀察、張羅、相洽球員,但,最終的決定權,始終在艾殊利手上。
布魯士上季大量使用三中堅,因此尋找適合這系統的球員很重要。留住杜巴夫卡(Martin Dúbravka)是重中之重——他無疑是聯賽其中一位最好的龍門——而紐卡素的中堅位置亦有足夠深度。不過,左翼衛是首要關注的位置,只有列治(Matt Ritchie)和查維文基路(Javier Manquillo)能夠勝任該位置,而丹尼路斯(Danny Rose)到目前仍不確定是否會以永久轉會形式回到紐卡素。然而,在這之前,紐卡素有一道難題擺在他們面前:下季是想轉踢那種在反撃中不依賴米基爾阿米朗(Miguel Almirón)和辛特麥斯明(Allan Saint-Maximin)的節奏、靈巧的開放式比賽,還是堅持在進攻上以簡單直接為主,在防線上則以嚴密的人員配置來形成堅實的防線?但無論如何,「入球」都是紐卡素下季首要解決的問題:上賽季紐卡素的聯賽首席射手是入了6球的中場指揮官舒維爾(Jonjo Shelvey),而前線的三叉戟米基爾阿米朗、辛特麥斯明及祖連頓在英超合共只入了9球。[註2]考慮到以上幾點,我們認為以下三個位置是紐卡素今個轉會窗口最需要增兵的關鍵。
維斯文(Shon Weismann)
年齡:24球會:禾夫斯堡(Wolfsburger AC)
上陣次數:40 入球:37
鑑於紐卡素下季的踢法或會改變,目前很難知道紐卡素會想要甚麼類型的前鋒,但可以肯定的是,紐卡素需要一位識入球的前鋒。如果他們想要一位具殺手本能的前鋒,而不是一位在前場擔任「橋頭堡」的前鋒,那麼奧超禾夫斯堡(Wolfsburger AC)的維斯文(Shon Weismann)就是一個不錯的選擇。他是一個出色的前鋒,剛過去的一季,他在31場聯賽中攻入30球,還交出5次助攻。他只有5尺9,但身體健碩矮壯,善於用身位取得優勢。他的活動能力非常優異,能以驚人的步伐擺脫防守者。他勤於迫搶,並對入球機會有種本能反應。現年24歲的他,亦是時候考慮到更大的舞台來證明自己。[註3]
奧辛尼艾度亞迪(Odsonne Edouard)年齡:22球會:些路迪(Celtic)
Tifo的另一個建議是蘇超些路迪(Celtic)傑出的年輕前鋒奧辛尼艾度亞迪(Odsonne Edouard)。他的名字早已和一些英超球隊扯上關係,這並非空穴來風。上季他在21場比賽中攻入21球,還交出9次助攻。[註4]他比維斯文更高、更強壯,而且擁有出色的串連比賽能力。但最令人讚歎的還是他的射手本色。儘管如此,他的傳球能力也不容小覷,正正是這種傳、射皆可的雙重威脅使他對紐卡素有莫大的吸引力。如果他們更頻繁地轉用4-2-3-1,那麼我們將有機會看到奧辛尼艾度亞迪在紐卡素陣中站在三叉戟身後,在三子身後發揮其創造力的畫面。而且前場踢四個人的話,甚至有機會激發出最好的祖連頓來。
安東尼卡斯(Anthony Caci)
入球:1 助攻:4
法甲斯特拉斯堡(Strasbourg)的安東尼卡斯(Anthony Caci)是一個可以考慮的選擇。這位23歲的左後衛可兼任中堅,同時亦是一位在進攻上充滿活力的球員。他在上季有傷患問題,全季一共缺席12場比賽,但在不足700分鐘的上陣時間裏,他仍然可以交出4次助攻和1個入球。由於上季因傷而錯過了不少比賽,我們很難從其比賽來真正地評估他,但撇除上季不談,他在之前的賽季都表現出色,防守優越,並在進攻時展現出有將球帶到對方危險區域的能力。
基斯甸根達(Christian Gunter)
Tifo的另一個建議是一位更為成熟的球員:德甲弗賴堡(Freiburg)的基斯甸根達(Christian Gunter)。根達是One-club Man的代表,在弗賴堡3-4-3陣式中,左翼衛的位置非根達莫屬,而他穩定良好的表現,一直以來都頗受德甲上下肯定,但當弗賴堡排四後衛時,他亦會擔任左閘一職。根達上季交出10次助攻並2個入球。[註5]他高大,充滿活力,由19歲起在頂級聯賽中比賽——除了2015/2016賽季隨弗賴堡降至德乙聯賽以外——現年27歲的他正值巔峰。他在跑動時的傳球範圍很廣。雖然防守上,他可以做得更強勢、更好,但若果他真的加盟,他可以為紐卡素的後防帶來領導能力和豐富的經驗,甚至更多。
最後我們提議增兵的位置或會出乎很多人預料,而且如果紐卡素打算沿用5-4-1不變,那麼這個建議可能就不是那麼具建設性。不過考慮到阿米朗是陣中唯一一位10號位球員,而舒維爾雖是一名出色的球員,但他更像是一位deep-lying playmaker,因此紐卡素還是需要有人在進攻時連繫中、前場,特別是如果布魯士來季打算轉以4-2-3-1為常規陣式。考慮到這一點,我們在這位置上建議了兩位踢法多變的球員予紐卡素選擇。
羅拔圖艾華拉度(Roberto Alvarado)
年齡:21球會:藍十字(Cruz Azul)
現年21歲,效力墨西哥班霸藍十字(Cruz Azul)的羅拔圖艾華拉度(Roberto Alvarado)是一位既可以踢10號位,又可以出任右翼和中場中的球員。他擁有出色的左腳,並在上賽季的Liga MX攻入4球和交出6次助攻。他擅長在球場上尋找空間來接應隊友傳球,在接球後既可以立即將其傳到有利位置,又或可以將球邊從右路帶至中路推進,並在適當的時候傳上前場。他是一位球風狡黠、技術細膩的有高潛力靈巧型球員。
拿斯路賓尼斯(Laszlo Benes)
年齡:22球會:慕森加柏(Borussia Monchengladbach)
另一位則是現正效力德甲慕森加柏(Borussia Monchengladbach)的拿斯路賓尼斯(Laszlo Benes)。這位可以兼任10號的球員通常以中場中之姿登場。這位年僅22歲的斯洛伐克國腳仍在成長當中,但他有優越的傳球視野,具方向性的迫搶和出色的死球技巧。他上季在德甲僅上陣900分鐘就交出了4次助攻。如果球隊可以給予他更多上陣時間,他可能會成長得更快。不過由於同隊的科利安尼奧侯斯(Florian Neuhaus)在上季的表現過於出色,因此可預期來季賓尼斯的上陣機會可能會減少,這使得紐卡素能羅致他的機會大了不少。
註1:當年的小高峰即指2011/2012年球季起計,紐卡素憑一眾新兵一股作氣奪得聯賽第五,得以躋身歐洲賽。在那幾季紐卡素有不少低買高賣的例子,如丹巴巴亞(Demba Ba)免費轉會至紐卡素,以700萬鎊轉投車路士;卡巴耶(Yohan Cabaye)以430萬鎊來投,以1900萬鎊轉投巴黎聖日耳門;迪布治(Mathieu Debuchy)以550萬鎊來投,以1200萬鎊轉投阿仙奴;穆沙施素高(Moussa Sissoko)以210萬鎊來投,以3000萬鎊轉投熱刺。紐卡素從上述四位球員的轉會中共淨賺5610萬鎊。
Sensible Transfers: Newcastle
Newcastle United remain for sale. The latest attempt to buy the club has collapsed, but there are still potential buyers in the market and there exists the possibility of a takeover by a number of parties. For now, though, Mike Ashley still holds the reins and will have oversight of any transfer activity; Steve Bruce will have an input, but no final say-so.
Newcastle often seem to be a club caught between aspiration and execution and, while some recent transfer activity has hinted at a progression, marrying that with Bruce’s on-field pragmatism has produced mixed results. While the safety first, counter-attacking style will likely remain, with Premier League survival the priority for Ashley, Newcastle can rediscover the buy-low, sell-for-profit transfer approach that once brought mild encouragement.
Bruce has largely used a three-man back line, and so finding players who can fit that system is important. Holding onto Martin Dubravka will be crucial – he has undoubtedly one of the league’s best performers in goal – and there is depth at centre-back. Left wing back, though, must be a priority, with only Matt Ritchie and Javier Manquillo capable of covering the position, and Danny Rose uncertain to return to the club permanently. Ahead of this, though, is Newcastle’s conundrum: do they look to play a more expansive game, one that doesn’t rely on the pace and trickery of Miguel Almiron and Allan Saint-Maximin on the counter, or stick with solidity and going direct? Either way, more goals are a must: Newcastle’s leading scorer last season was playmaking midfielder Jonjo Shelvey with six, while the first-choice front three managed just nine between them. With that in mind, here are the three positions we think are key for Newcastle this window.
Player One : Centre Forward It’s hard to know what kind of striker Newcastle might want given the set-up may change next season, but goals are crucial. If they want a predatory option who is less about hold-up play, Wolfsburger AC’s Shon Weismann is a great option. He’s a superb finisher, as 30 goals in 31 league games shows, and he also provided 5 assists. He’s only 5ft9 but strong, stocky, and holds off players well in and around the box. His movement is excellent, with real bursts of pace to get in behind defenders. He’s a hard-working presser and always reacts quickly to opportunities, and at 24, he’s primed to move to a bigger club.
Tifo’s selection, though, is Celtic’s exceptional young striker Odsonne Edouard. He’s been linked with Premier League clubs already, and with good reason. Last season he scored 21 in 21 matches, and also provided 9 assists. He’s taller and stronger than Weismann, can link play superbly, but is still first and foremost a goal-scorer. Despite this, his ability to play through passes shouldn’t be underrated, and it’s this dual threat that makes him appealing for Newcastle. Should they move to a 4-2-3-1 more permanently, it’s possible to see Edouard playing a greater creative role as well as getting on the end of moves in a fluid, attacking front four that could even get the best out of Joelinton.
Player Two: Left Wing Back
One potential option here is Strasbourg’s Anthony Caci. The 23 years old left back, who can also play centre back, is a dynamic attacking option. He had some injury issues last season, missing twelve games this season, but still managed four assists and one goal in just under 700 league minutes. It’s hard to gauge him having missed so much game time, but he excelled the season before, defends well, and gets the ball into dangerous areas.
Tifo’s selection, though, is a more established player: Freiburg’s Christian Gunter. A one-club man, Gunter has long been one of the Bundesliga’s quietly outstanding left-wing backs in Freiburg’s 3-4-3, but has also played as an orthodox left back in a back four. Gunter provided eight assists last season, and scored twice. He’s tall, dynamic, has played top level football sice he was 19 – barring one season when Freiburg were relegated to 2 bundesliga – and at 27 is in his prime. His range of crossing on the run is good and although he could be defensively stronger, he would add leadership and experience at the back for Newcastle and a lot going forwards.
Player Three: Creative 8/10
The last position is a curious one, as if Newcastle retain the 5-4-1 then it may not be needed. But Almiron is the only real 10 in the squad and while Shelvey is a good player, he’s more of a deep-lying playmaker; Newcastle also need someone to link midfield and attack, especially if Bruce goes with a 4-2-3-1. With this in mind, we’ve gone for two versatile picks. Cruz Azul’s 21 years old Roberto Alvarado has played as a 10., a right winger, and a central midfield. He possesses a superb left foot, and got four goals and six assists in last season’s Liga MX. He’s great at receiving the ball in space and immediately releasing a pass, or at carrying it infield from the right and sliding through passes into forwards. He’s a tricky, skillful player with high potential.
The alternative is a central midfielder who can play as a 10, Laszlo Benes of Borussia Monchengladbach. At 22, the Slovakian international is still developing, but has a superb eye for the through pass, an intelligent pressing game, and an excellent set-piece delivery. He managed four assists in 900 minutes last season, but could develop quicker at a club prepared to give him minutes. With Florian Neuhaus extremely impressive last season, Benes’ chances might be limited, which makes a move more possible.
為此Tifo Football特意為紐卡素今個夏天轉會窗提出了些許建議,並製作了一條短片,以就紐卡素目前的賣盤處境、球隊問題及潛在收購目標及原因一一闡述。為方便討論,我特意按其內容打下原文及譯文,以供大家討論:
紐卡素仍然待價而沽。最近一次的收購計劃亦再一次宣告失敗,但縱使如此,市場上仍然有不少潛在買家,而且我們亦不能排除買家們最終或會以多方合作的形式來收購紐卡素。不過,直至目前這一刻起,艾殊利(Mike Ashley)仍然是紐卡素的舵手,並且可以決定任何轉會舉動;在轉會上,布魯士(Steve Bruce)仍然要盡一切努力來觀察、張羅、相洽球員,但,最終的決定權,始終在艾殊利手上。
布魯士上季大量使用三中堅,因此尋找適合這系統的球員很重要。留住杜巴夫卡(Martin Dúbravka)是重中之重——他無疑是聯賽其中一位最好的龍門——而紐卡素的中堅位置亦有足夠深度。不過,左翼衛是首要關注的位置,只有列治(Matt Ritchie)和查維文基路(Javier Manquillo)能夠勝任該位置,而丹尼路斯(Danny Rose)到目前仍不確定是否會以永久轉會形式回到紐卡素。然而,在這之前,紐卡素有一道難題擺在他們面前:下季是想轉踢那種在反撃中不依賴米基爾阿米朗(Miguel Almirón)和辛特麥斯明(Allan Saint-Maximin)的節奏、靈巧的開放式比賽,還是堅持在進攻上以簡單直接為主,在防線上則以嚴密的人員配置來形成堅實的防線?但無論如何,「入球」都是紐卡素下季首要解決的問題:上賽季紐卡素的聯賽首席射手是入了6球的中場指揮官舒維爾(Jonjo Shelvey),而前線的三叉戟米基爾阿米朗、辛特麥斯明及祖連頓在英超合共只入了9球。[註2]考慮到以上幾點,我們認為以下三個位置是紐卡素今個轉會窗口最需要增兵的關鍵。
維斯文(Shon Weismann)
年齡:24球會:禾夫斯堡(Wolfsburger AC)
上陣次數:40 入球:37
鑑於紐卡素下季的踢法或會改變,目前很難知道紐卡素會想要甚麼類型的前鋒,但可以肯定的是,紐卡素需要一位識入球的前鋒。如果他們想要一位具殺手本能的前鋒,而不是一位在前場擔任「橋頭堡」的前鋒,那麼奧超禾夫斯堡(Wolfsburger AC)的維斯文(Shon Weismann)就是一個不錯的選擇。他是一個出色的前鋒,剛過去的一季,他在31場聯賽中攻入30球,還交出5次助攻。他只有5尺9,但身體健碩矮壯,善於用身位取得優勢。他的活動能力非常優異,能以驚人的步伐擺脫防守者。他勤於迫搶,並對入球機會有種本能反應。現年24歲的他,亦是時候考慮到更大的舞台來證明自己。[註3]
奧辛尼艾度亞迪(Odsonne Edouard)年齡:22球會:些路迪(Celtic)
Tifo的另一個建議是蘇超些路迪(Celtic)傑出的年輕前鋒奧辛尼艾度亞迪(Odsonne Edouard)。他的名字早已和一些英超球隊扯上關係,這並非空穴來風。上季他在21場比賽中攻入21球,還交出9次助攻。[註4]他比維斯文更高、更強壯,而且擁有出色的串連比賽能力。但最令人讚歎的還是他的射手本色。儘管如此,他的傳球能力也不容小覷,正正是這種傳、射皆可的雙重威脅使他對紐卡素有莫大的吸引力。如果他們更頻繁地轉用4-2-3-1,那麼我們將有機會看到奧辛尼艾度亞迪在紐卡素陣中站在三叉戟身後,在三子身後發揮其創造力的畫面。而且前場踢四個人的話,甚至有機會激發出最好的祖連頓來。
安東尼卡斯(Anthony Caci)
入球:1 助攻:4
法甲斯特拉斯堡(Strasbourg)的安東尼卡斯(Anthony Caci)是一個可以考慮的選擇。這位23歲的左後衛可兼任中堅,同時亦是一位在進攻上充滿活力的球員。他在上季有傷患問題,全季一共缺席12場比賽,但在不足700分鐘的上陣時間裏,他仍然可以交出4次助攻和1個入球。由於上季因傷而錯過了不少比賽,我們很難從其比賽來真正地評估他,但撇除上季不談,他在之前的賽季都表現出色,防守優越,並在進攻時展現出有將球帶到對方危險區域的能力。
基斯甸根達(Christian Gunter)
Tifo的另一個建議是一位更為成熟的球員:德甲弗賴堡(Freiburg)的基斯甸根達(Christian Gunter)。根達是One-club Man的代表,在弗賴堡3-4-3陣式中,左翼衛的位置非根達莫屬,而他穩定良好的表現,一直以來都頗受德甲上下肯定,但當弗賴堡排四後衛時,他亦會擔任左閘一職。根達上季交出10次助攻並2個入球。[註5]他高大,充滿活力,由19歲起在頂級聯賽中比賽——除了2015/2016賽季隨弗賴堡降至德乙聯賽以外——現年27歲的他正值巔峰。他在跑動時的傳球範圍很廣。雖然防守上,他可以做得更強勢、更好,但若果他真的加盟,他可以為紐卡素的後防帶來領導能力和豐富的經驗,甚至更多。
最後我們提議增兵的位置或會出乎很多人預料,而且如果紐卡素打算沿用5-4-1不變,那麼這個建議可能就不是那麼具建設性。不過考慮到阿米朗是陣中唯一一位10號位球員,而舒維爾雖是一名出色的球員,但他更像是一位deep-lying playmaker,因此紐卡素還是需要有人在進攻時連繫中、前場,特別是如果布魯士來季打算轉以4-2-3-1為常規陣式。考慮到這一點,我們在這位置上建議了兩位踢法多變的球員予紐卡素選擇。
羅拔圖艾華拉度(Roberto Alvarado)
年齡:21球會:藍十字(Cruz Azul)
現年21歲,效力墨西哥班霸藍十字(Cruz Azul)的羅拔圖艾華拉度(Roberto Alvarado)是一位既可以踢10號位,又可以出任右翼和中場中的球員。他擁有出色的左腳,並在上賽季的Liga MX攻入4球和交出6次助攻。他擅長在球場上尋找空間來接應隊友傳球,在接球後既可以立即將其傳到有利位置,又或可以將球邊從右路帶至中路推進,並在適當的時候傳上前場。他是一位球風狡黠、技術細膩的有高潛力靈巧型球員。
拿斯路賓尼斯(Laszlo Benes)
年齡:22球會:慕森加柏(Borussia Monchengladbach)
另一位則是現正效力德甲慕森加柏(Borussia Monchengladbach)的拿斯路賓尼斯(Laszlo Benes)。這位可以兼任10號的球員通常以中場中之姿登場。這位年僅22歲的斯洛伐克國腳仍在成長當中,但他有優越的傳球視野,具方向性的迫搶和出色的死球技巧。他上季在德甲僅上陣900分鐘就交出了4次助攻。如果球隊可以給予他更多上陣時間,他可能會成長得更快。不過由於同隊的科利安尼奧侯斯(Florian Neuhaus)在上季的表現過於出色,因此可預期來季賓尼斯的上陣機會可能會減少,這使得紐卡素能羅致他的機會大了不少。
註1:當年的小高峰即指2011/2012年球季起計,紐卡素憑一眾新兵一股作氣奪得聯賽第五,得以躋身歐洲賽。在那幾季紐卡素有不少低買高賣的例子,如丹巴巴亞(Demba Ba)免費轉會至紐卡素,以700萬鎊轉投車路士;卡巴耶(Yohan Cabaye)以430萬鎊來投,以1900萬鎊轉投巴黎聖日耳門;迪布治(Mathieu Debuchy)以550萬鎊來投,以1200萬鎊轉投阿仙奴;穆沙施素高(Moussa Sissoko)以210萬鎊來投,以3000萬鎊轉投熱刺。紐卡素從上述四位球員的轉會中共淨賺5610萬鎊。
Sensible Transfers: Newcastle
Newcastle United remain for sale. The latest attempt to buy the club has collapsed, but there are still potential buyers in the market and there exists the possibility of a takeover by a number of parties. For now, though, Mike Ashley still holds the reins and will have oversight of any transfer activity; Steve Bruce will have an input, but no final say-so.
Newcastle often seem to be a club caught between aspiration and execution and, while some recent transfer activity has hinted at a progression, marrying that with Bruce’s on-field pragmatism has produced mixed results. While the safety first, counter-attacking style will likely remain, with Premier League survival the priority for Ashley, Newcastle can rediscover the buy-low, sell-for-profit transfer approach that once brought mild encouragement.
Bruce has largely used a three-man back line, and so finding players who can fit that system is important. Holding onto Martin Dubravka will be crucial – he has undoubtedly one of the league’s best performers in goal – and there is depth at centre-back. Left wing back, though, must be a priority, with only Matt Ritchie and Javier Manquillo capable of covering the position, and Danny Rose uncertain to return to the club permanently. Ahead of this, though, is Newcastle’s conundrum: do they look to play a more expansive game, one that doesn’t rely on the pace and trickery of Miguel Almiron and Allan Saint-Maximin on the counter, or stick with solidity and going direct? Either way, more goals are a must: Newcastle’s leading scorer last season was playmaking midfielder Jonjo Shelvey with six, while the first-choice front three managed just nine between them. With that in mind, here are the three positions we think are key for Newcastle this window.
Player One : Centre Forward It’s hard to know what kind of striker Newcastle might want given the set-up may change next season, but goals are crucial. If they want a predatory option who is less about hold-up play, Wolfsburger AC’s Shon Weismann is a great option. He’s a superb finisher, as 30 goals in 31 league games shows, and he also provided 5 assists. He’s only 5ft9 but strong, stocky, and holds off players well in and around the box. His movement is excellent, with real bursts of pace to get in behind defenders. He’s a hard-working presser and always reacts quickly to opportunities, and at 24, he’s primed to move to a bigger club.
Tifo’s selection, though, is Celtic’s exceptional young striker Odsonne Edouard. He’s been linked with Premier League clubs already, and with good reason. Last season he scored 21 in 21 matches, and also provided 9 assists. He’s taller and stronger than Weismann, can link play superbly, but is still first and foremost a goal-scorer. Despite this, his ability to play through passes shouldn’t be underrated, and it’s this dual threat that makes him appealing for Newcastle. Should they move to a 4-2-3-1 more permanently, it’s possible to see Edouard playing a greater creative role as well as getting on the end of moves in a fluid, attacking front four that could even get the best out of Joelinton.
Player Two: Left Wing Back
One potential option here is Strasbourg’s Anthony Caci. The 23 years old left back, who can also play centre back, is a dynamic attacking option. He had some injury issues last season, missing twelve games this season, but still managed four assists and one goal in just under 700 league minutes. It’s hard to gauge him having missed so much game time, but he excelled the season before, defends well, and gets the ball into dangerous areas.
Tifo’s selection, though, is a more established player: Freiburg’s Christian Gunter. A one-club man, Gunter has long been one of the Bundesliga’s quietly outstanding left-wing backs in Freiburg’s 3-4-3, but has also played as an orthodox left back in a back four. Gunter provided eight assists last season, and scored twice. He’s tall, dynamic, has played top level football sice he was 19 – barring one season when Freiburg were relegated to 2 bundesliga – and at 27 is in his prime. His range of crossing on the run is good and although he could be defensively stronger, he would add leadership and experience at the back for Newcastle and a lot going forwards.
Player Three: Creative 8/10
The last position is a curious one, as if Newcastle retain the 5-4-1 then it may not be needed. But Almiron is the only real 10 in the squad and while Shelvey is a good player, he’s more of a deep-lying playmaker; Newcastle also need someone to link midfield and attack, especially if Bruce goes with a 4-2-3-1. With this in mind, we’ve gone for two versatile picks. Cruz Azul’s 21 years old Roberto Alvarado has played as a 10., a right winger, and a central midfield. He possesses a superb left foot, and got four goals and six assists in last season’s Liga MX. He’s great at receiving the ball in space and immediately releasing a pass, or at carrying it infield from the right and sliding through passes into forwards. He’s a tricky, skillful player with high potential.
The alternative is a central midfielder who can play as a 10, Laszlo Benes of Borussia Monchengladbach. At 22, the Slovakian international is still developing, but has a superb eye for the through pass, an intelligent pressing game, and an excellent set-piece delivery. He managed four assists in 900 minutes last season, but could develop quicker at a club prepared to give him minutes. With Florian Neuhaus extremely impressive last season, Benes’ chances might be limited, which makes a move more possible.
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