【曼聯Talk】慕尼黑空難60周年:We'll Never Die

曼聯Talk 於 06/02/2018 發表 收藏文章

1958年2月6日, 英國航空公司第609班次航班「大使號」專機, 載住啱啱踢完歐洲聯賽冠軍盃八強賽事曼聯球員, 球迷同埋隨行嘅英國記者, 一行44人諗住興高采烈咁返番去英國, 事關呢場作客南斯拉夫貝爾格萊德紅星嘅賽事係三比三打和,以總比數五比四淘太對方出局。

呢件本來好開心嘅事,點知……就係第三次嘗試起飛嘅時間(之前兩次都因引擎問題而起飛失敗), 由於一條好濕滑嘅雪泥跑道, 導致加速有異, 整部飛機失控,先撞倒圍欄在衝出條馬路,之後撞到一間民房機身斷開兩截,其中機身一節就響裝滿輪呔同埋燃料嘅營房中發生爆炸。



謝夫·班特 Geoff Bent
羅渣·拜利 Roger Byrne
艾迪·高文 Eddie Colman
馬克·鍾斯 Mark Jones
大衛·比治 David Pegg
湯美·泰萊 Tommy Taylor
比利·韋倫 Liam 'Billy' Whelan
鄧肯·艾華士 Duncan Edwards(留醫15日後傷重不治)



禾達·加力馬 Walter Crickmer 秘書
畢·華利 Bert Whalley 教練
湯·居利 Tom Curry 訓練員

Tom Cable 空中服務員
Alf Clarke 曼徹斯特晚間時報(Manchester Evening Chronicle )記者
Don Davies 衛報(Manchester Guardian)記者
George Follows 每日先驅報(Daily Herald )記者
Tom Jackson 曼徹斯特晚報(Manchester Evening News )記者
Archie Ledbrooke 每日鏡報(Daily Mirror)記者
Mela Miklos 導遊
Kenneth Ken Rayment 英籍副機師
Henry Rose 每日快報(Daily Express )記者
Willie Satinoff 曼聯球迷
Frank Swift 世界新聞報(News of the World )記者、前英格蘭及曼城守門員
Eric Thompson 每日郵報(Daily Mail)記者

生存嘅亦都受到不同程度嘅傷害,其中一位就係當時嘅領隊畢樹比爵士(Sir Matt Busby),佢響醫院留院嘅時間,就最少有兩次可以脫離於死神嘅鐮刀之下。

另外一位倖存者,就係我哋其中一位傳奇人物,卜比查爾頓爵士(Sir Bobby Charlton),佢曾經響一封致曼聯球員嘅信件,就呢次事故講出:



“Words can’t describe the devastating effect. The tragedy was life-changing for so many of my good friends and colleagues. This great football club has risen from its darkest hour in a way like no other.”


而寶樹比爵士亦都響次季重返賽場,響十年間重建王朝,提拔咗丹尼士羅(Dennis Law)同佐治貝斯(George Best)呢批名將,拎咗兩屆頂級聯賽(當時係甲組)冠軍同一屆足總盃冠軍,當然唔少得係響1968年,4比1擊敗葡萄牙嘅賓菲加,成為首支英格蘭球隊贏得歐洲冠軍盃啦。


We'll Never Die, We'll Never Die,
We'll Never Die, We'll Never Die,
We'll Keep The Red Flag Flying High,
Cos' Man Utd will never die..



The Flowers of Manchester

One cold and bitter Thursday in Munich, Germany,
Eight great football stalwarts conceded victory,
Eight men will never play again who met destruction there,
The flowers of English football, the flowers of Manchester

Matt Busby’s boys were flying, returning from Belgrade,
This great United family, all masters of their trade,
The pilot of the aircraft, the skipper Captain Thain,
Three times they tried to take off and twice turned back again.

The third time down the runaway disaster followed close,
There was slush upon that runaway and the aircraft never rose,
It ploughed into the marshy ground, it broke, it overturned.
And eight of the team were killed as the blazing wreckage burned.

Roger Byrne and Tommy Taylor who were capped for England’s side.
And Ireland’s Billy Whelan and England’s Geoff Bent died,
Mark Jones and Eddie Colman, and David Pegg also,
They all lost their lives as it ploughed on through the snow.

Big Duncan he went too, with an injury to his brain,
And Ireland’s brave Jack Blanchflower will never play again,
The great Matt Busby lay there, the father of his team
Three long months passed by before he saw his team again.

The trainer, coach and secretary, and a member of the crew,
Also eight sporting journalists who with United flew,
and one of them Big Swifty, who we will ne’er forget,
the finest English ‘keeper that ever graced the net.

Oh, England’s finest football team its record truly great,
its proud successes mocked by a cruel turn of fate.
Eight men will never play again, who met destruction there,
the flowers of English football, the flowers of Manchester

今日,我亦會自動將自己嘅 icon 轉成3點4分嘅標誌,藉此悼念。


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  • Alfa10 於 06/02/2018 評論 NO. 1

