
觀眾席的肯 於 18/08/2014 發表 收藏文章
Mourinho 今季要頭痛的問題又多一樣了

去季, 在馬德里體育會表現大熟大勇的Courtois 在外借3年的生活後, 今季季初強勢回歸車路士, 矢志挑戰過去十年車路士的正選門將Cech.

在回歸車路士前, Courtois 使曾說過: 沒有正選的話使不會回來
但最終Courtois 也選擇回到車路士陣中

而Cech 一直也以同樣口吻, 對外界表示32歲的他, 是不會把1號門將的位於拱手相讓, 沒有正選的話, Cech 也會選擇出走Stamford Bridge.
PSG, 摩納哥, 皇馬等球會也已密切注意著情況

筆者相信對於隊中能有兩位世界級門將在陣, 並且都不甘示弱的在媒體上交戰, 外界或許會為車路士擔憂...
但處事向來果斷的Mourinho, 卻於記者會中表示他對於這樣的競爭感到開心

Mourinho 表示:
"My number one will be my number one," said Mourinho. "Not forever obviously because I cannot kill competition. I cannot close the door for someone into the team. I cannot give any player a guarantee that he is in the first team forever if he doesn't perform.

"Obviously, you don't change a keeper if he makes a mistake, but you can change him if he makes five. What is my first-choice today might not be my first-choice tomorrow. But if the goalkeeper gives stability to the team I don't feel I need to change or to play one in one competition and one in another.

"I must support the keeper, the one that is not first choice. Support him is not to give him a Capital One Cup game. It is to show him my trust when no one is expecting that he plays. I remember I did that with Cech and Cudicini. I played Cudicini against Betis in the Champions League in the first game of the group, not in the sixth when we were qualified.

"I also played him in one league match when we were not champions, not after being champions. The best way to show a player that you trust him is to play him when nobody expects it and in games where there are responsibilities, and with these two goalkeepers I can do that when I want."

很明顯, Mourinho 對於車路士坐擁兩大世界級門將表示滿意, 也對他們二人需要為一個正選位置而競爭感到興奮.
筆者也相信英超的對手們也會羨慕著車路士陣容的深度, 特別在這兩名門將的在陣下, 要攻破Cech 或Courtois 的十指關也是一個頗為難的考驗
且看季中發展下來, Cech 與Courtois 之關, 誰會穩坐車路士的門將之位


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