
對於呢一幕,我諗唔單止廣大曼迷會記得,費SIR退休呢件大事係全世界都關心,隨住莫耶斯既到任令到一切塵埃落定。 2013年暑假既季前熱身賽, 莫耶斯率領既曼聯面對住非頂級球隊戰績平平,每場波都有失波,對於曼迷以至筆者都感到失望,亦令到好多曼迷對莫耶斯不滿, 但筆者想係到講句,熱身賽始終係熱身賽,球隊表現係唔能夠作準!

眾所周知,今個暑假莫耶斯提拔左連加特、贊奴沙、Ángelo Henríquez、堅尼、沙夏,其表現令人眼出一亮,但正如前面所講熱身賽始終係熱身賽,佢地要威脅正選地位仲有一段路要行。但從莫耶斯提拔新仔既人選,已經睇得出佢已經對球隊有一定了解,同埋對新仔既信任,對比起費SIR,上季熱身賽有幾可比新仔打咁耐?

曼聯上季依靠住老費既功力,將人腳未算頂級既曼聯發揮平穩水準,fight 低曼城重奪聯賽冠軍,可惜仍唔能夠掩蓋球隊缺點,包括老生常談既曼聯中場,以及兩翼級數未夠班。上季兩翼人腳為蘭尼、華倫西亞、楊格,蘭尼既技術係3個之中最好,但狀態不穩同足球意識亦屬低級水準;楊格為蘭尼弱化版,唯一既係英人優勢;華倫西亞又名華一招,加上7號既壓力,表現遠不及25號既華倫西亞,而偉哥、香川、朗尼最佳位置並唔係翼鋒,兩翼人腳配備比起皇馬車仔等真係未夠班。

到左莫耶斯手上,連加特、Ángelo Henríquez (試陣)、沙夏,明顯係針對曼聯上季兩翼既失敗,儘管新仔正式比賽經驗不足,但其活力及新鮮感係佢地競爭既利器,面對一班師兄真係唔會失色,筆者期望可以激到班師兄知恥近乎勇!贊奴沙,則係針對曼聯中場未夠班既技術同創造能力 (仲有活力同防守力),依家曼聯中場只有卡域克有準確既傳送,安達臣已退化為工兵,聰明仔技術同傳波更不及安達臣,香川就企得比較前,而贊奴沙正正係曼聯中場所缺乏既靈氣、技術、手術刀式傳送,活動範圍亦廣,同曼城既施華有啲似,大隻少少既話,筆者認為佢係最快上位果個。後防方面,Rio、維迪年紀已經大,提拔堅尼,拍住細緊、鍾斯、Evans,亦都為 Rio、維迪退休做準備。


大家若果記得費SIR呢一幕,亦希望大家記住費SIR所講既說話:I’d also like to remind you that when we had bad times here the club stood by me, the players stood by me, and your job now is to stand by our new manager. That is important. (我還想提醒大家,當我們成績差的時候,球會、工作人員、球員和球迷都一直支持我,現在你們要做的就是去支持我們的新領隊,這是重要的。)

“I’ve no script in my mind, I just want to ramble on and get to the core of what this football club is meant to be.
“Thank you to Manchester United not just the directors, players, coaching staff, supporters, it’s all of you. It has been the most fantastic experience of my life. Thank you
“I have been very fortunate, I’ve been able to manage some of the greatest players in the country let alone Manchester United.
“All these players here today, they have represented our club the proper way and have won a championship in fantastic fashion. Well done to the players.
“My retirement doesn’t mean the end of my life at the club. I will be able to enjoy watching them rather than suffering with them.
“But if you think about it, those last minute goals, comebacks, even the defeats, are all part of this great football club of ours.
“It’s been an unbelievable experience so thank you for that.
“I’d also like to remind you that when we had bad times here the club stood by me, the players stood by me, and your job now is to stand by our new manager. That is important.
“Before I start bubbling, I just want to pay tribute to Paul Scholes who retires today.
“Paul is one of the greatest players this club has ever had and ever will have.
“I wish you a great retirement and I know you will still be around annoying me!
“I wish the players every success in the future. You know how good you are.
“I’m going home, well I’m going inside for a while first.
“I just want to thank you from all the Ferguson family. They are all up there, 11 grandchildren. Thank you, thank you.”
標籤: 費格遜  莫耶斯  


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