資深嘅曼聯球迷可能都知堅尼同舒米高之間係有「心病」,向來敢言嘅堅尼最近更加挑戰主流意見,表示大家心目中嘅傳奇門神舒米高,喺佢眼中係過譽(overrated)。喺早排,加利尼維利做咗一個podcast節目,係要堅尼即場回答50條問題,去慶祝堅尼50歲生日。其中,加利佬問到,「邊個係你合作過最強嘅門將?」,堅尼嘅回答係:「彼得舒米高。不過我覺得佢係被吹捧過頭。我唔覺得佢有啲人吹到咁勁,但仍然係一個好門將。」(”Peter Schmeichel. But I still think he was overrated. I don't think he was as good as everyone makes out, but he was still good.”)
最近喺Bein Sports一個節目上,主持人就當面問舒米高,點睇堅尼話佢「吹大咗」,舒米高EQ唔錯,佢笑笑口話,「我冇回應喎」(”I actually don’t.”),搞到兩個主持笑唔停。
資深嘅曼聯球迷可能都知堅尼同舒米高之間係有「心病」,向來敢言嘅堅尼最近更加挑戰主流意見,表示大家心目中嘅傳奇門神舒米高,喺佢眼中係過譽(overrated)。喺早排,加利尼維利做咗一個podcast節目,係要堅尼即場回答50條問題,去慶祝堅尼50歲生日。其中,加利佬問到,「邊個係你合作過最強嘅門將?」,堅尼嘅回答係:「彼得舒米高。不過我覺得佢係被吹捧過頭。我唔覺得佢有啲人吹到咁勁,但仍然係一個好門將。」(”Peter Schmeichel. But I still think he was overrated. I don't think he was as good as everyone makes out, but he was still good.”)
最近喺Bein Sports一個節目上,主持人就當面問舒米高,點睇堅尼話佢「吹大咗」,舒米高EQ唔錯,佢笑笑口話,「我冇回應喎」(”I actually don’t.”),搞到兩個主持笑唔停。
引用“I had a bust-up with Peter when we were on a pre-season tour of Asia, in 1998, just after I came back from my cruciate injury. I think we were in Hong Kong. There was drink involved.”
“There’d been a little bit of tension between us over the years, for football reasons. Peter would come out shouting at players, and I felt sometimes he was playing up to the crowd: ‘Look at me!’”
“He was probably also doing it for his concentration levels, keeping himself on his toes. But I felt he did it too often, as if he was telling the crowd, ‘Look at what I have to deal with.’”
“I wouldn’t say we disliked each other, but we weren’t best buddies either.”
“He said: ‘I’ve had enough of you, It’s time we sorted this out.’ So I said ‘Okay’ and we had a fight. It felt like 10 minutes.”
“I woke up the next morning. I kind of vaguely remembered the fight. My hand was really sore and one of my fingers was bent backwards. The manager had a go at us as we were getting on the bus, and people were going on about a fight in the hotel the night before.In the meantime, Nicky Butt had been filling me in on what had happened the night before. Butty had refereed the fight. It started coming back to me – the fight between me and Peter. Anyway, Peter had grabbed me, I’d head-butted him – we’d been fighting for ages.”
“At the press conference, Peter took his sunglasses off. He had a black eye. The questions came at him ‘Peter, what happened to your eye?’ “He said ‘I just got an elbow last night, in training’. And that was the end of it.”
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