
睇足365 於 10/04/2020 發表 收藏文章
西甲球會巴塞隆拿持續出現內部矛盾,繼早前全體球員自行發表聯合聲明公布減薪方案,同時指責球會高層有人企圖透過向外界公布首階段談判破裂球員施壓,最新發展到球會主席 Josep Maria Bartomeu 要求四名董事局成員自行辭職,今日卻有六名董事局成員發表公開信宣布辭職,據悉近因係今年年初爆出嘅「網軍事件」。


巴塞隆拿球會主席 Bartomeu 在位以來爭議不絕,單係今年已經出現今次公關災難。今年2月初,體育總監艾比度 (Eric Abidal) 公開批評部分球員唔夠努力,需要為球隊換帥負上責任,結果連昔日隊友、現任隊長美斯都罕有地公開反擊,表示不點名批評球員係不負責任及玷污隊中所有球員。

2月中,有內部消息人士向傳媒爆料,稱巴塞向一家名為 I3 Ventures 嘅公司支付接近100萬歐元費用,為主席 Bartomeu 改善形象,但服務內容卻包括於各大社交網上以負面言論攻擊巴塞球員及名宿,抹黑對象包括美斯及碧基等,消息人士更交出一分36頁文件作為證據。 巴塞會方隨即發聲明撇清關係,表示保留法律追究權利。(Marca: Dossier published that links I3 Ventures to the controversial Barcelona social media accounts
ESPN: Barcelona threaten legal action over accusations of Messi, Pique attacks)



於多次爭議後,球會主席 Bartomeu 認為球會高層之間已失去互信,需要改組董事局,於是要求4名董事局成員自行辭職,其中包括兩名副主席 Emili Rousand 及 Enrique Tombas。副主席 Emili Rousand 被認為係董事會內部希望推舉為下屆主席候選人嘅熱門人選,佢喺兩日前接受訪問時承認接到 Bartomeu 電話,被要求請辭。 Rousand 當時表示暫時未有打算請辭,希望於疫情過後當面與主席詳談,又坦言理解主席希望作出改變,但認為做法過於急進。

今日,共有6名董事局成員突然發表公開信,宣布集體請辭,涉及副主席 Emili Rousand 、 Enrique Tombas、董事 Silvio Elias、Josep Pont,正係被 Bartomeu 要求離開嘅4人,另外加上董事 Maria Teixidor 及 Jordi Clasamiglia。6人於公開信中表明辭職決定不可撤銷,原因係認為自己已無力改變球會管理方式,又強調2月中球會被指僱用「網軍」抹黑球員嘅 'Barcagate' 公關災難令6人醒悟明白高層中存在分歧,希望於調查工作完成後可以釐清責任及向受影響人士作出補償。6人於信中要求巴塞於情況許可下盡快舉行大選改組董事局,以應對即將到來嘅重大挑戰。

引用"We hereby want to communicate that the undersigned managers have transferred to President Bartomeu our decision to irrevocably resign from our position as managers of FC Barcelona.

"We have reached this point by not being able to reverse the criteria and forms of management of the club in the face of the important challenges of the future and, especially, from the new post-pandemic scenario.

"We must also highlight our disenchantment with the unfortunate episode on social networks, known as 'Barcagate', which we learned about through the press.

"We ask here that once the results of the audit entrusted to PWC are presented, that responsibilities be cleared as well as the eventual corresponding compensation.

"As a last service to our club, we recommend that as soon as circumstances allow it to convene new elections that allow, with all the 'authority', to manage the club in the best possible way in the face of the important challenges of the immediate future.
"Last but not least, we want to have a very special recognition and thanks to our colleagues on the Board of Directors who have dedicated and dedicate their best energy and efforts for the good of our beloved Barcelona Football Club. Also to thank the executives and employees of the Club for their support and excellent work during this time in which we have had the honour of serving our beloved Barca."
(Six Barcelona board members resign as they question the club's direction | Goal.com)

《ESPN》日前曾發表報導,指有內部人士直指巴塞現時猶於正上演《權力的遊戲》(Game of Thrones) ,多人正為明年主席大選暗中較勁,而已經接近完成兩屆任期嘅 Bartomeu 將不能參選,佢現階段只想被完全可信嘅人包圍,安穩完成餘下任期。 (ESPN: Barcelona like 'Game of Thrones' as Bartomeu looks to axe board members - sources)


根據其他消息,巴塞會章規定董事局必須擁有至少14人,現時只剩13人,令 Bartomeu 必須馬上委任一名成員。


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